Changes to TDS/Email function – CC MAILFROM

Talman has made some changes to the TDS/Emailing function to allow for a different email address for the CC emails to be sent to.

In the MAIL FROM User table, for each of the relevant programs, the email address in Memo 1 is the email address used to send the email.

In the same user table – Memo 2 will use the email address to send the CC of the email. If this field is empty, it will still use the Memo 1 email address to send the CC email.

This is currently available in the following programs:

WPBSHS – Local Invoices
WPINVPRT – Print Invoices
WPINVREV – Print Reversal Invoices
WPCRPRT – Account Sales
WPSHINV – Print Shipping Invoices
WPBASB – Pay Brokers/Dealers

Other programs are being changed and will be available in future releases.


Please contact Talman support via email at or call on +61 2 88316391 if you have any questions.

23rd June 2022