
Enhancement to TDS – Sending Emails to Growers

Talman has made some changes to TDS functionality to allow you to set up different Grower email addresses to be used depending on who the email is being sent to based on the program you are using.

In the Purchase Organisation Maintenance a new Tab has been added called “TDS Settings” – view will look as below – with the following drop down options.


If there is nothing in the drop down list – then these can be set up by creating the following user tables for the relevant TDS programs.


Add into the list for each purchase organisation, an email address that you require to send that report to. i.e. if you require to send the Bale and Test Summary to a different email to the Appraisals report, for this Grower, then these will be entered into the grid, and would look something like this: Note multiple email addresses can be entered as shown below.


Currently the only two programs available are the above shown in the User Tables. As we develop the other programs an email will be sent to let you know.
If you have any questions about the above, or would like help in setting it up, please let us know by contacting us on phone +61 2 88316391 or email

26th October, 2017


NEW option to Export to Excel

A NEW change  has been made to programs as requested by many users.  By right clicking in grid of data an option is now available to export to CSV/excel.



16th October 2017


Talman Staff at the Wool Ball

A good night had by all.  Thank you to the organisers.


From Left to Right:

Dave (IT), Cathryn (Support), Kelly (Support), Maria (Accounts) and Ben (Support)

11th September, 2017

Barcode for Core Test Request _ Project with AWTA

16 March 2017

Talman have been working with AWTA to add a barcode to the Core Test Request/Weight Note,  this will assist them with less data entry in their Laboratories, which in turn reduces cost and improves testing turnaround times.

We have created a new report which is a copy of the standard Core Test Request report used in the Australian Broking/Private Buying Systems.  This will be made available to all Australian Brokers/Private Buyers in the next release.   If you are interested in using this before the next release, please contact us by phone: 02 88316391 or email: and we can set it up on your system.

There will be a one-off charge for the Licence of the Barcode Font which will be added into your next 6 monthly fees.

Test Status Data from AWTA

AWTA Update and changes to the Talman Software (Note: Only Available to Australian Clients via AWTA).

AWTA will be making available Status of Samples in their Laboratories, particularly related to the existence of internal Check Tests, L/S samples requiring retufting and sale lots being recored. Each of these is a type of rework which  can delay the availability of the final certificate data.

The early identification of such delays through the “Test Status” information will assist  customers to make more informed decisions around lotting and cataloguing for sale deadlines.

Officially this will not be available until the next WIEDPUG Release in July 2017.

Talman has been working with AWTA to get these changes done to their software and they will be available next week in release 2017_1.

If you would like to get the Test Status data from AWTA, please contact John Billing (, and he will arrange for this data to become available to you.

1 Feburary 2017